more men's
KR has just arrived. yippppy! they are totally branching out and trying out new stuff. some of these new shirts were designed by different artists. check it out.
limited addition "Tree Hugger" tee by Kronk.BioKronk is a human being and designer/illustrator who is based in (C)ape Town, South Africa and likes to make dumb and pretty art. He is currently employed at Amicollective where he basically gets paid to doodle cool stuff for clients ranging from soft drink giants, major cell phone companies, cable TV networks and his dad. He drinks quite a lot of coffee and loves biltong, which is a South African delicatessen for those of you who don’t know. Every now and then he accidentally stumbles upon ideas that are conceptually relevant to the microcosms of people that exist in the current social environment. Did we mention that he also has a thing for drawing clouds and elusive creatures like Yetis? Kronk rarely sleeps, but when he does, he dreams about stuff that he wants to make. One could say he is in a perpetual cycle of creativity; it's vicious, but he likes it.
" frosty beats" by Introspecular